Sloode Video Cloud is the ideal video sharing platform to simultaneously publish your contents on different channels.
Sloode basic version already allows the possibility to upload videos directly on the main video sharing platforms such as Youtube. Such platforms oftentimes have very strict rules to prevent copyrighted material to be illegally published, even if such infringement is only partial or theoretical. Uploading videos on a dedicated platform allows a complete control of your videos, making it free of advertising or copyright infringement.
Sloode Video Cloud also allows to:
• Upload videos directly from the web, using an FTP client and through Sloode Live Social, allowing a background upload; using watch folders, automatically publishing them according to the rules set in the settings or every single time
• Classification of videos according to categories and/or sections, series, with seasons and episodes
• Possibility to automatically upload videos on external platforms such as Youtube, Facebook, DailyMotion. You can also choose a specific platform for any single video. You can, for instance, cancel videos from Sloode Video Cloud and save space when they are old and still use them on YouTube, being always present ion the archives.
• Possibility to insert commercial prerolls, based on categories, setting up the initial and final date of commercials.
• You can rely on the VAST technology to access external commercial circuits for your prerolls